
قاسم شرهان حرج
Authors : Qasim S. Al-Mayah, Fatima Abood Chalob, Thanaa Ismaeel Jawad
Neonatal sepsis is a common cause of morbidity and mortality among newborns in developing countries. This study aimed to investigate the causative pathogens other than viruses and the predisposing factors for neonatal sepsis among Iraqi newborns. A total of 150 suspected neonates from three Hospitals in Baghdad/Iraq were enrolled in this study. According to time onset, sepsis was divided into early onset sepsis (EOS) and late onset sepsis (LOS). Blood samples were collected from each neonate, then bacterial and fungal detection were achieved through routine culturing, biochemical tests and API system. Anti-toxoplasma IgM and IgG antibodies were investigated by enzyme linked immune-sorbent assay (ELISA). The overall incidence of neonatal sepsis among suspected neonates was 54.67%. Preterm infants, low body weight (LBW), urinary tract infection of the mother and cesarean section delivery seemed to predispose to neonatal sepsis. Staphylococci were predominant in both EOS and LOS sepsis; however, large percentage of these bacteria were coagulase negative in LOS. Overall, gram positive bacteria were more frequent than gram positive bacteria. Fungi and Toxoplasma appeared to have less or no significant role in neonatal sepsis among Iraqi newborns. These data indicate the diversity of pathogenic bacteria associated with neonatal sepsis. Every effort should be considered for early detection of the pathogens to avoid the mortality.

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