منهاج الدراسات العليا
Dept. of Family & Community Medicine
MSc Curriculum
1st Semester
Subjects |
Code |
Hours/week |
Credits |
Theory |
Practical |
1 |
Biostatistics |
COMSta-M1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
English language |
ENGEng-M1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Epidemiology |
COMEpi-M1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Health Administration |
COMHad-M1 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
Nutrition |
COMNut-M1 |
1 |
1 |
6 |
Training & education |
COMTed-M1 |
1 |
1 |
Total |
10 |
2nd Semester
Subjects |
Code |
Hours/week |
Credits |
Theory |
Practical |
1 |
Communicable disease epidemiology |
COMCde-M2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Health economics |
COMHec-M2 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Health education |
COMHed-M2 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
Non-communicable D. epidemiology |
COMNde-M2 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
Occupation& Environmental medicine |
COMOem-M2 |
3 |
3 |
6 |
Primary health care |
COMPhc-M2 |
3 |
3 |
7 |
Research Methodology |
COMRme-M2 |
2 |
2 |
8 |
Social behavior |
COMSbe-M2 |
1 |
1 |
Total |
14 |
PhD Curriculum
1st Semester
Subjects |
Code |
Hours/week |
Credits |
Theory |
Practical |
1 |
Biostatistics |
COMSta-P1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
English language |
ENGEng-P1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Epidemiology |
COMEpi-P1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Health Administration |
COMHad-P1 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
Health education |
COMHed-P1 |
1 |
1 |
6 |
Sociology |
COMSoc-P1 |
1 |
1 |
7 |
Training & Education |
COMTed-P1 |
1 |
1 |
Total |
10 |
2nd Semester
Subjects |
Code |
Hours/week |
Credits |
Theory |
Practical |
1 |
Communicable disease epidemiology |
COMCde-P2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Health economics |
COMHec-P2 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Non-communicable D. epidemiology |
COMNde-P2 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
Nutrition |
COMNut-P2 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
Primary health care |
COMPhc-P2 |
3 |
3 |
6 |
Research methodology |
COMRem-P2 |
2 |
2 |
7 |
Occupation& Environmental medicine |
COMOem-P2 |
3 |
3 |
8 |
SPSS Computer Application |
2 |
1 |
Total |
14 |
- EpidemiologyFor 60 hours (Theory 2 hours/week & Practical 2 hours/week of 3 credits)
- Evolution of epidemiology
- International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and ICD10
- Epidemiology is a population science
- Syndromic versus co-occurrence
- Communicable disease epidemiology
- Host-agent-environment model
- Surveillance of disease
- Investigation of an epidemic
- Tools of the trade
- Measures of disease frequency
- Screening test
- Epidemiological studies designs
- Epidemiology of Communicable Diseasesfor 30 hours (Theory 2 hours/week of 2 credits)
- General consideration
- Nosocomial infections
- Malaria
- Leishmania
- Schistozomiasis
- Measles
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Bordetella pertussis
- Mumps
- Rubella
- Viral Hepatitis
- Hepatitis A virus (HAV)
- Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
- Parentally transmitted non-A non-B Hepatitis
- Enterically transmitted non-A non-B Hepatitis
- Hepatitis D virus (HDV)
- Poliomyelitis
- Sexually transmitted disease (STDs)
- Acquired immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
- Chlamydial infection
- Trichomoniasis infection
- Syphilis
- Gonococcal infection
- Rabies
- Typhoid and Paratyphoid fever & Cholera
- Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Diseasesfor 15 hours (Theory 1 hour/week of 1 credit)
- Introduction
- Epidemiology of hypertension
- Epidemiology of heart disease.
- (Box) Genes
- Epidemiology of Cerebrovascular accident.
- Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus.
- Epidemiology of Cancer.
- Stomach Cancer Epidemiology
- Lung Cancer Epidemiology
- Bladder Cancer Epidemiology
- Colorectal Cancer Epidemiology
- Breast Cancer Epidemiology
- Cancer of Cervix Epidemiology
- Epidemiology of Rheumatic fever
- Epidemiology of Peptic Ulcer
- Definition of genetic epidemiology
- General methods employed in genetic epidemiology
- Epidemiological studies of family aggregation
- Twins studies
- Adoption studies
- Inbreeding studies
- Epidemiological studies of specific genetic factors
- Biostatisticsfor 30 hours (theory 2 hours/week) of 2 credits
- Introduction to biostatistics
- Sampling, randomization
- Presentation of data, tables, graphs
- Measures of central tendency
- Measures of dispersion
- Probability
- Statistical Inference
- Hypothesis Testing Steps
- Non-parametric Tests
- Chi square test
- Linear regression and correlation coefficient estimation
- SPSS Computer Package for 30 (Practical 2 hours/week of 1 credit)
- Introduction for the program and its applications.
- Preparing data for entry, import data from different other programs, and types of files in SPSS.
- Using the spread sheet for data entry according to the type of variable.
- Correct errors of data entry and prepare data for analysis and using sorting, merging, inserting variables or cases, and selecting specific cases.
- Ways of transforming data by computing, counting, categorizing, recoding, and replacing missing values of the data.
- Performing data analysis including:
- Describing the data using frequencies, exploring, describing numeric variables, and cross tabulation.
- Performing Chi Square test for string variables.
- Comparing means using Student’s t-test in all its applications, and ANOVA test.
- Computation of correlation and regression.
- Primary Health Care for 45 hours (Theory 3 hours/week of 3 credits)
- Concept of health care
- Health system
- Levels of health care
- Alma Ata Declaration
- Principles of PHC
- Intersectorial collaboration and appropriate health technology in PHC
- Community participation
- Equity in health
- Millennium development goals
- District health services
- Maternal mortality
- Integrated management of pregnant women and new-born
- Diarrhoeal Diseases control program
- Control of ARI program
- Immunization (EPI)
- Growth monitoring
- Breastfeeding
- Integrated management of childhood illnesses IMCI
- Adolescent Health program
- School Health program
- Health of Elderly
- Health Education for 15 hours (Theory 1 hour/week of 1 credit)
- Health Behaviour and Health Education
- People working with People
- Planning for Health Education in Primary Health Care
- Health Education with Individuals
- Health Education with Groups
- Health Education with People
- Communicating the Health Messages, Methods, Media, and Tools
- Behavior and Social Sciences for15 hours (Theory 1 hour/week of 1 credit)
- Anthropology
- Pervasiveness of culture, language and culture, folk culture, and subculture
- Social role
- Social disorganization and deviance
- Culture and illness
- Socialization
- Health and illness, sick role
- Level of social influence on behaviour, determinant of human behaviour, and determinant of human behaviour
- Lay theories of illness causation.
- Definition of some symptoms as “abnormal”.
- Non-physical triggers to the decision to seek medical aids
- Folk illness
- Basic concept of health behavior in the following areas:
- Patient-doctor relationship
- Patient help seeking behavior
- Patient compliance with treatment
- Patient appraisal of health risk
- The doctor-patient consultation
- Problems that might interfere with communication with patients.
- Abnormal illness response, conflict, and anxiety.
- Patient expectation and negotiation.
- Describing doctor-patient relationship.
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine45 hours (Theory 3 hours/week of 3 credits)
- Introduction(history of occupational medicine)
- Occupational health services and programs
- Epidemiology of occupational medicine
- Epidemiology of occupational injuries
- Occupational hazards
- Heavy metals
- Toxicology (introduction)
- Occupational cancer
- Occupational lung diseases (Introduction)
- Occupational eye diseases
- Occupational skin diseases
- Occupational heart diseases
- Toxic liver disorders
- Toxic peripheral neuropathy
- Occupational deafness
- Occupational hygiene
- Child labor
- Occupational disorders of hematology
- Environmental and occupational causes of toxic injury to the kidneys and urinary tract.
- Hard metals
- Occupational and environmental history and examinations
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Ergonomics.
- Radiation(ionized and non-ionized)
- Dispensary at work place
- Pprinciples of factory establishment.
- Impairment, Disability, and Functional Capacity
- Psychiatric Syndromes Common to the Workplace
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Industry
- Mechanisms of Occupational Disease and Injury
- Organic chemicals.
- General prevention at work place
- Sleep disorders and work
- Shift Work and Long Work Hours
- Introduction to environmental health (the Challenge)
- Environmental hazards
- Outdoor air pollutions
- Indoor air pollutions
- Water pollutions
- Ozone
- Acid rain
- Green house phenomenon
- Biologic and Medical Implications of Global Warming
- Soil pollution
- Food safety
- Nitrogen Oxides
- Sulfur Dioxide
- Particulate Matter
- Cigarette Smoking
- The Built Environment
- Chlorofluorocarbons and Destruction of the Ozone Layer
- Environmental Law and Policy
- Risk Assessment and Economic Evaluation
- Workers' Compensation
- Industrial Hygiene Measurement and Control
- Hazardous waste
- Sick Building Syndrome and Building-related Illness
- Control Approaches of air pollution
- Clinical approach to the patient with indoor air problems
- Pesticides
- Methodology of Research for 30 hours: (Theory 2 hours/week of 2 credit)
- Introduction and scientific method
- Process of doing a clinical research
- Research Question
- Research Objective
- Research hypothesis
- Literature review
- Study Designs
- Study Subjects
- Sample size
- Study Measurements
- Principles of Research Ethics
- Writing the Research report
- Writing the Research proposal
- Health Care Administration for 15 hours: (Theory 1 hours/week of 1 credit)
- Multidimensional Aspects of Health Care
- Management
- Systems
- Organization
- Decision Making
- Planning
- Forecasting
- Marketing
- Management Information System
- Human Resources Management
- Evaluation and Control
- Emerging Trends in Health Care
- Nutrition for 15 hours: (Theory 1 hours/week of 1 credit)
- Nutrition status assessment
- Community nutrition, and how to plan a healthy diet
- RDA.
- Dietary guidelines
- Food guide pyramid
- Nutritional public health problems:
- Protein energy malnutrition
- Nutritional anaemia
- Vitamin A deficiency
- Iodine deficiency
- Health Economics for 15 hours: (Theory 1 hours/week of 1 credit)
- Definition of economics & health economics
- Why health economics
- Macro and microeconomics
- Economic characteristics of developing countries
- Health characteristics of developing countries
- Cost, types, concept of cost in health economics
- Cost trends and their causes
- Benefits of health care
- Economic evaluation
- Effectiveness
- Efficiency
- Efficacy
- Allocative efficiency
- Technical efficiency
- Cost-benefits analysis
- Cost-effectiveness analysis
- Cost-utility analysis
- Health Economics for 15 hours: (Theory 1 hours/week of 1 credit)
- Introduction
- Independent learning
- How to help student learn better
- Evidence Based Medicine
- Learning climate
- Teaching methods
- How to teach knowledge, skills, and attitutes.