
The College of Medicine Al-Nahrain holds a scientific workshop to raise awareness of the Corona virus
Publishing date :2020-02-13

Under the patronage and attendance of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University, Prof. Dr. (Anis Khalil Nayel), on the date of 13/2/2020, the college will set up in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit at the college and the city of Imam Al-Kazemin (P) Medical a workshop entitled : (Novel Coronavirus nCoV-2019: Management, Prevention and Control) to educate the new epidemic of Corona virus and methods of treatment, prevention and control, in the presence of heads of scientific branches, faculty members, and a number of employees of the college and the city of Imam Al-Kazemin with the attendance of a group of students. This workshop was given by: Dr. Arwa Mujahid Abdullah / Microbiology Branch and Dr. Haider Abdul Hamid Rashid / Internal Medicine Branch. The workshop included the aspect of awareness of the epidemiology of the new Corona virus and the methods of treatment, prevention and control, and dealt with how to prepare for the epidemiology of the virus with the available capabilities.

Translated by :

Sara M. Hamandi

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