الاهتمامات البحثية
Research Interests
Efficacy of vaginal misoprostol soaked in acetic acid in the termination of missed miscarriages
SH Abdul-Razzaq, SHM Al-fartosy, RA Abdulkadeer
Rawal Medical Journal 48 (3), 703-703 2023
Maternal and hematological changes associated with delayed cord clamping during the third stage of labor
HAAQAM Sahar Hassan Mushatet Alfartosy, Sahar Hisham Abdul-Razzaq
Rawal Medical Journal 48 (1), 156 2023
placental alpha-microglobulin 1 as a marker of preterm prelabour rupture of membrane
iraqi JMS 17 (3&4), 183-190 2019
Aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase in vaginal fluid for detecting preterm premature rupture of membrane
S Khalel, HAQ Al-Moayed, SH Mushatat
ABMJ-Arab Board Medical Journal 19 (3), 3-8 2018