ثناء رشيد عبد الرحمن
عضو هيئة تدريسية 1
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البريد الألكتروني : |
Birthday: |
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تاريخ الميلاد : |
نبذه عن التدريسي
CV |
1. BVM&S, Baghdad University, 1993.
2. Rotator veterinary doctor in General Veterinary Hospital, Alkadhmiya, 1993-1994.
3. M.Sc. Parasitology, Baghdad University, 1999.
4. PhD. Microbiology Alnahrain University, 2013.
5. Assistant professor doctor 2016
1. Nationality: Iraqi.
2. Marital Status: Married, Four children.
3. Specialization : Medical Microbiology/Bacteriology
During my M.Sc. Project, 1997-1999, I worked on Leishmaniasis (Visceral form) in human and hamsters.
(Title of M.Sc. thesis: Isolation of Leishmania donovani antigens and their role in sensitivity and specificity of immunological diagnostic tests.).
-Ph.D/Bacteriology, 2013 (Title of Ph.D. thesis: Study on plasmid's role in transferring multiple antibiotics resistance between Escherichia coli K12 and Shigella species)
Giving practical sessions in Medical Parasitology, Bacteriology, Mycology, Immunology and Virology,to Third year medical students from 2001 .
Giving clinical Bacteriology course to Fifth year medical students from 2012.
Giving theoretical sessions in Medical Bacteriology to Third year medical students from January 2013.
Giving practical sessions in Medical Parasitology to Third year medical students since 2001 -2016.
Giving clinical parasitology course to Fifth year medical students since 2004 -2016
Giving practical sessions in Medical Immunology to Third year medical students since 2001 till 2008.
Giving practical sessions in Medical Virology to Third year medical students since 2001 till 2006.
Giving practical sessions in Medical Bacteriology and Medical Mycology, to Third year medical students since 2001 till now.
From January 2013 till now : I became a lecturer at my department. Since then, I became involved in the theoretical as well as the practical sessions of the third year in medical bacteriology courses. Also i was involved in the practical sessions in medical parasitology and mycology to third year
I was involved in the clinical sessions in medical bacteriology for fifth year students from 2012 till now .
الدراسات العليا
Post graduate
Giving practical sessions in Medical Parasitology and Bacteriology to M.Sc.and PhD. Students from 2001- 2016
Giving practical sessions in Medical Mycology to M.Sc. and PhD. Students from 2013.
Giving theoretical sessions in Medical Bacteriology to M.Sc. and PhD. students from January 2013.
From January 2013 till now : I became a lecturer at my department. Since then, I became involved in the theoretical as well as the practical sessions of the M.Sc and Ph. D. medical bacteriology courses. Also i was involved in the practical sessions in medical parasitology and mycology to M.Sc and Ph. D Students till 2018. Furthermore, I was involved in the seminar supervising for M.Sc. students.
I was involved in supervision on thesis and dissertation of PhD and MSc students.
Participate in the discussion of a number of thesis and dissertation in Al-Nahrain medical college and participate in the evaluation study plan research.
Participate in the discussion of a number of thesis and dissertation in different colleges and universities.
Participate in the evaluation of scientific research for the scientific promotion purposes, and scientific evaluation of research plans and theses in a number of governorates in the country (Al-Diwaniyah, Anbar).
Participate as a member committee of discussion of 5 MSc. Thesis in different colleges.
Participate in evaluation of MSc. Thesis from Al-Qadisiyah medical college.
الاهتمامات البحثية
Research Interests
Pure Bacteriology
Molecular Bacteriology
Enzyme immune assay (ELISA) for antibody as well as antigen detection. Immunoflouresent antibody test(IFAT) .
Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) test.
Molecular techniques such as conventional and multiplex PCR.
Chromosomal DNA extraction manually and by kits.
Plasmid DNA extraction manually and by kits.
Evaluation of numbers of scientific researches affiliated to local journals.
Participate in the evaluation of scientific research for the scientific promotion purposes, and scientific evaluation of research plans and theses in a number of governorates in the country (Al-Diwaniyah, Anbar).
Evaluation of a number of papers published in local and international journals. (Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences Ibn Al-Haitham Journal for Pure and Applied Science ,AFRICAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY RESEARCH, JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND ANTIMICROBIALS). |
Scientific Activities
1. I Participated in a course in ICDL (International Computer Driving Lenience) Methodology in Al –Nahrain University Training &Continuous Education Department from the period 4/5/2002to 4/6/2002 & passed the course with the evaluation very good, sequence second.
I Participated in a course in teaching methodology in Al –Nahrain University –Training &Continuous Education Department from the period 15/7/2004 to 11/8/2004 & passed the course with the evaluation excellent.
I Participated in Two Medical Conferences at the Medical College, AL-Nahrain University and one conference held by Al-Mustansiriya University, College of Medicine.
I was involved in the seminar supervising for M.Sc. students.
Responsible about chemicals and other laboratory materials in Microbiology Department storages, Al- Nahrain University, 2001- 2012.
Responsible for hazardous and toxic chemicals in the Microbiology department from 2013 till now
I have participated in Two Medical Conferences at the Medical College, AL-Nahrain University and Two conference held by Al-Mustansiriya University, College of Medicine.
Evaluation of numbers of scientific researches affiliated to local journals.
Participate in the discussion of a number of thesis and dissertation in Al-Nahrain medical college and participate in the evaluation study plan research.
Participate in the discussion of a number of thesis and dissertation in different colleges and universities.
Participate in the evaluation of scientific research for the scientific promotion purposes, and scientific evaluation of research plans and theses in a number of governorates in the country (Al-Diwaniyah, Anbar).
Participate in Mayssan Medical Conference in 2014 via a poster.
Participate in training workshop entitled (Chemical Safety and Security Training) from 21-23 april 2015 at the dept. of chemistry and biochemistry in Al Nahrain medical college.
Participate in the 1st Middle East Moleculer Biology Congress 2014 in Dubai and the 2nd MEMBs in 2015 in Istanbul.
Participate in The 9th Scientific Conference of The College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University / 21st- 22nd December / 2015 as Oral Presenter.
Participate in the Training Program of Medical Laboratory Analysis from 21th of February to 6th of March/ 2016 at the Dept. of Microbiology, College of Medicine/ Al-Nahrain University.
Participate as a member committee of discussion of 5 MSc. Thesis in different colleges.
Participate in evaluation of MSc. Thesis from Al-Qadisiyah medical college.
Presented a poster at the 3rd Middle East Molecular Biology Congress and Exhibition (held in Research Complex - Qatar University - Doha, from 14 to 17 Nov. 2016), titled: Infectious diseases - The role of ATG16L1 (Thr300Ala) genetic variants and autophagy in development of acute and chronic urinary tract infection.
Participate in The 4th Middle East Molecular Biology Congress and Exhibition 2017 – Abu Dhabi
Participate in training workshop entitled real time PCR) in 2018 and 2019.
Evaluation of a number of papers published in local and international journals. (Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences Ibn Al-Haitham Journal for Pure and Applied Science ,AFRICAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY RESEARCH, JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND ANTIMICROBIALS).
Member of an examination committee for the two years 2017 and 2018
Member of scientific committee in the Microbiology dept. , since 2018 till now .
Participate in courses were held by the WHO regarding the COVID-19 and antibiotics stewardship programs.
a- High Expression of P53 protein in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Could Play a Role in the Pathology, 2011.
b- Molecular characterization of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) producing Shigella species isolated from patients with bacillary dysentery in Iraq.2013
c- Detection of Exo A Gene in Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Human and Dogs Using Polymerase Chain Reaction, 2014.
d- Evaluation of Plasmid - Mediated Quinolone Resistance associated with Qnr genes in Clinical Isolates of Shigella Spp. in Baghdad.2015
e- Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Strain by conventional and molecular methods from diarrheal children in Baghdad.2016
f- Genotyping of Klebsiella spp. isolated from different clinical sources. 2016.
g- The Role of ATG16L1 (Thr300Ala) Genetic Variants and Autophagy in Development of Acute and Chronic Urinary Tract Infection Caused by Uropathogenic Escherichia coli 2017
h- Molecular Detection of Multidrug Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii from Different Clinical Samples 2017.
i- Investigation of microsatellite instability BAT25 and BAT26 in breast cancer patients by conventional polymerase chain reaction, 2017.
j- Antibacterial activity of bee venom against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii locally isolates 2018.
k- Clinical Utility of Urinary Antigen Test and Molecular Method for Detection of Legionella Pneumophila 2018.
l- The utility of homemade ELISA based Outer Membrane Proteins (OMP) of Salmonella typhi in diagnosis of chronic typhoid carrier (2018).
m- Detection of Some Biofilm Genes Related with Multidrug Resistant in Acinobacter baumannii Isolated from Clinical Isolates. 2018.
n- Detection of nosocomial toxigenic Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea in children by conventional PCR, 2018.
o- Isolation and Identification of Serratia marcescens from Suspected Late Neonatal Sepsis in Intensive Care Unit, 2018.
p- Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin A as a major risk factor for multiple sclerosis severity (2019).
q- The Role of DNA Gyrase (gyrA) in Ciprofloxacin Resistant Locally Isolates Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Al-Khadhmiya Teaching Hospital Baghdad, Iraq, 2019.
r- Serotype Identification of Group B Streptococci isolated from Iraqi pregnant women (2019).
s- Evaluation of autophagy flux lc3 gene expression and serum INF- in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. (2020).
t- Estimation of miRNA-144-3p as a potential biomarker in pulmonary TB patients. (2020).
u- Prevalence of Campylobacter Species in Diarrheal Samples of Children Less than 10 Years. (2020).
v- Occurrence of qnr Gene in Diarrheagenic Ciprofloxacin-Resistant Escherichia coli Isolated from Patients with Acute Diarrhea, 2020.
w- Detection of INLB genes of listeria monocytogenes isolated from women with spontaneous abortions. (2020).
x- Molecular detection of panton valentine leukocidin (pvl) genes in methicillin-resistance staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) isolated from burns infection. . (2020).
y- Synthesis of zno nanoparticles and the advantageous resistance on the multidrug resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii and staphylococcus aureus isolates.(2021)
z- Resistance Mechanisms to Second Line Drug in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 2021 (review).
aa- Molecular characterization of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from patients with respiratory tract infections, 2021.
bb- The role of Toxoplasma gondii in Trigger an Autoimmune Disease, 2021(review).
cc- Detection of Plasmid– Mediated OqxA and OqxB Genes in Clinical Isolates of Acinetobacter baumanii Taken from Iraqi Pneumonic Patients, published in Proceedings of The IIER International Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 24th – 25th March, 2021.
الكتب المنشورة
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الخطط التدريسية
Teaching Plans
الملفات المرفقة |
عنوان الخطة |
Third year lectures |
Third year lectures |
Master lecture |
M.Sc semester 2 bacteria |
Master 1st semester curriculum |