1- Full name: Muataz Abdulmajeed Abdulazeez Al-Qazzaz
2- Date and place of birth: 15/9/1958, Mosul, Iraq.
3- Address: House no.19/1 ,13/ 712, Zayona, Baghdad, Iraq.
e.mail : m_zq88@hotmail.com
4- Nationality: Iraqi.
5- Marital status: Married.
6- Scientific degree:
Professor and Consultant of Forensic Medicine.
College of Medicine/Al-Nahrain University.
7- Academic qualifications:
- M.B.Ch.B. , College of Medicine, University of Baghdad – 1982.
- Diploma in Community Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Al- Nahrain – 1994.
- M.Sc. in Forensic Medicine, College of Medicine/ Al-Nahrain University – 1998.
- Fellowship of the Iraqi Board for Medical Specialization in Forensic Medicine (F.I.B.M.S), Baghdad -2002(equivalent toPh.D).
- Board in Forensic Medicine, Jordon Medical Council, Amman, Jordon, 2007.
8- Duties held:
- Lecturer of forensic medicine and forensic toxicology for 4th year undergraduate and postgraduate students/ College of Medicine -Alnahrain University.
- Lecturer of medical ethics for 5th year undergraduate students /College of Medicine -Alnahrain University.
-Supervision of Iraqi board and MSc. students in forensic medicine.
Lecturer of forensic medicine for 4th year undergraduate students -Al-Kindy College of medicine-University of Baghdad(Previously).
Lecturer of forensic toxicology for postgraduate students in pharmacology.
Practical training postgraduate students of forensic medicine and pathology at medicolegal institute.
9- Scientific Societies:
- Professional member of Charted Society the Forensic Sciences (previously).
- Member of American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS).
- Member of Arab Association of Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine.
10- Scientific journals editorial board member:
1-The Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences (previously).
2-The Egyptian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Applied Toxicology.
3- The International Journal of Ethics, Trauma and Victimology.
4- Arab Journal of Forensics Sciences and Forensic Medicine.
11- Published Papers:
1- Work Injuries in the State Enterprise for Leather Manufactures.
2- Biochemical Changes in Vitreous Humor after Death.
3- Determination of Glucose and Uric acid in vitreous Humor after Death.
4- Medico-legal Study of Fatal Road Traffic Injuries in Baghdad Governorate.
5- Biochemical Changes in Cerebrospinal Fluid after death.
6- Medico-legal study of Mass Hyoscine Poisoning.
7- Fatal Chloroquine Poisoning, "Case report".
8- Histopathological Interpretation of Prostatic Autopsy in men over 50 years in Baghdad.
9- Urine Cytology in patients with Long Standing Dialysis.
10- Exfoliative Cytological Changes in Peritonial Fluid from patients on Peritonial Dialysis.
11- Medico-legal Postmortem Study of some Anatomical Variations in the Thyroid Gland among Baghdadians.
12- Histopathological Interpretation of Gallbladder Autopsy in those over 50 years old in Baghdad.
13-Evaluation of the relationship between fingerprints and blood groups in Yemen Population.
14- Postmortem renal pathology in diabetic patients.
15- Incidental intracranial tumor "Case Report".
16- Evaluation of liver enzymes among vinyl chloride workers.
17- Medico-legal study of fatal incised wounds in Baghdad.
18- Medico-legal study of fatal stab wounds in Baghdad.
19- Sudden death due to intracranial colloid cyst “Case Report”.
20- Medico-legal study of intracranial causes of death.
21- Evaluation of Alcohol concentration among samples referred to the forensic lab. In Baghdad.
22- - Medico-legal study on natural death.
23- Battered Child or Electrocution? "Cases Report ".
24- Evaluation of Antemortem and Postmortem Levels of Organochlorine Pesticides in a Sample of Iraqi People.
25- The Use of Serum Endothelin1and Myoglobin in the Evaluation of Renal Injury in Methamphetamine abusers.
26- Creditability of Cardiac Biomarkers in Sudden Cardiac Death.
27- The Uses of Light in Criminal Investigation.
Scientific Activities
1- The 2nd Yemeni International Dental Conference – Aden –Yemen 2-4 Dec. 2013 .
2- ندوة مشروع الخلايا الجذعية وأثرها في الطب المتجدد – فندق بغداد 18/12/2013
3- ورشة عمل " تعشيق البحث العلمي التطبيقي بين جامعة النهرين ووزارة الصناعة والمعادن – قاعة المؤتمرات الكبرى 21/1/2014
4- ندوة " ارتفاع ضغط الدم مشكلة يمكن تشخيصها وعلاجها" قاعة الدكتور علاء بشير/مستشفى الواسطي التعليمي 30/12/2013
5- The Annual Congress of the International Association of Law and Forensic Sciences- Dubai - UAE , 1-3 April 2014
6- المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للعلوم الجنائية والطب العدلي في العراق /مركز الدنا العدلي 6- 7 كانون الاول 2017
7- The 10th Scientific conference of College of Medicine/ Al-Nahrain University 10- 11 April 2017 .
8- The 2nd Annual Middle East conference of International Association of Law and Forensic Science /17- 19 January /Cairo /Egypt.
9- Baghdad College of Medicine 16 Scientific Conference /29- 30 November /2017 .
10- المؤتمر العلمي السابع للمجلس العراقي للاختصاصات الطبية 16-17 أذار 2016
11- The 2nd International conference of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology /25- 26 February 2016 /Minia /Egypt.
12 - ندوة "الاثار المترتبة على انتشار المخدرات في العراق "/مركز الدنا العدلي في 8/3/2017
13- ندوة "دور مشروع الجينوم البشري في المجال الطبي والجنائي" /مركز الدنا العدلي في 7/3/2105
14- ندوة الطب العدلي بين الواقع والطموح"/وزارة الصحة /22/11/2107
15- ندوة بصمة الحامض النووي العدلية وتطبيقاتها الجنائية والعدلية في مساعدة الجهات القضائية /كلية الطب /جامعة النهرين / 8/5/2017
16- The fourth scientific conference of Al-Kindy College of Medicine /30-31 March 2017 .
17- ندوة ورم نقي نخاع العظم المتعدد , استراتيجيات التشخيص والعلاج /27/11/2017 /كلية الطب/جامعة النهرين
18- The First Military Medical Scientific Conference of Directorate Military Medical Affairs- Ministry of Defense/19-20 March 2016 /Baghdad-Iraq
19- The 70th meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences / Seattle - WA /USA 19-24 Feb.
20- The 71th meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences / Baltimore/ Maryland/ USA 19-24 Feb. 2019.
20- The Iraqi Medical Association 41st Scientific Conference /Baghdad/Babylon Warwick Hotel 7-9 Feb. 2018 .
21- Baghdad College of Medicine 16th Scientific Conference /29-30 Nov. 2018 .
22- The 2nd International Conference of Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine/Forensic DNA Center for Research and Training 6-7 Dec. 2017.
23-The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of American Academy of Forensic Sciences /Anaheim -California/ USA 17-22 Feb. 2020.
23- The 76th Annual Scientific Meeting of American Academy of Forensic Sciences /Denver/Colorado/USA 19-24 Feb. 2024.