: Uday Khalid Abdul Jabbar Al Qaisy
Post: Assistant Professor , College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University. Baghdad , Iraq. P.O. Box: 73004
Address, Al Khulafaa Complex , Building 8 , Apt 501, Baghdad, Iraq
Mobile: 00964 7801641982
E mail: udaykhalid@yahoo.com
Nationality: Arabic/ Iraqi
Date of birth: January 18th, 1973
Marital status: married
Specialization: Psychiatry
Academic qualification:
- M.B.Ch.B, College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University (1996) Baghdad, Iraq
- Fellow of Iraqi Board of Medical Specialization (Psychiatry) (2002)
- Fellow of Arab Board of Psychiatry (2002)
Title of Ph.D. Thesis:
Patterns of Anxiety Disorders in Two Hospitals in Baghdad
1-World Federation of Psychiatrists
2-Iraqi Medical Association
3-Iraqi Society of Psychiatrists
Current appointment : June 23rd 2003- now
Member of teaching faculty at Department of Medicine; College of medicine ; Al Nahrain University , College of medicine ; Al Nahrain University
Head of Sudepartment of Psychiatry, 2005 – now
Assistant Professor from Nov.20th 2011 till now
Instructor from 23rd June 2003- Nov.20th 2011.
Work activity can be divided into two directions
1-Teaching: the college adopts semesters system. The academic year is divided into two semesters each of 15 weeks. We have two members in sub department of psychiatry and we have the following teaching responsibilities
Psychiatry theory course composed of 30 credit hours taught to the fifth year students( about 100 each year) during the first semester. There are two lectures per week for 15 weeks covering almost all general psychiatry topics including psychopathology, organic syndromes, substance abuse , schizophrenia ,mood disorders ,anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, sleep ,eating and sexual disorders, personality disorders , child psychiatry , physical treatments and psychotherapy.
Behavioral Sciences theory course composed of 15 credit hours taught to fourth year students ( about 100 each year) during the second semester covering the basic subjects in behavior sciences including neurosciences ( Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry), motivation and instinct , psychological development and theories, life cycle, higher mental functions, personality, intelligence, stress coping and reaction to illness and physician patient relationship.
Clinical psychiatry training over whole academic year composed of 9 courses each of three weeks with about 10-12 student per course. Teaching focus on basic psychiatry interview skills, history taking and arranging mental state examination and long case presentation. Teaching is arranged at the attached Kadhymia Teaching Hospital.
2- Supervision of postgraduate Master degree students
at Al Nahrain University College of Medicine
3- Member examiner of Master and doctorate students
at Al Nahrain University College of Medicine
4- Supervision of family medicine Iraqi Board students
5- assessment of research papers for publication or
accreditation of teaching committee members from other colleges
6- Clinical practice: As consultant psychiatrist at the attached Kadhymia Teaching Hospital. Kadhymia Teaching Hospital is a general hospital located in Kadhymia; a sector of Baghdad city that is located in northern western part. The hospital contain about 400 inpatient beds and in addition to the major branches of medicine there are services from most subspecialties .We have subdepartment of psychiatry that belong to department of medicine. There were 1-3 psychiatrists to start with then number increased to5 psychiatrists for last two years ( three from the hospital and two from the college) each one have one day of duty at consultation clinic per week and one having two days.Average number of patients seen per day is about 20-30 patients at the clinic. Cases are variable and almost all kinds of patients are seen. Management provided depend on drugs ,supportive psychotherapy, CBT and counseling therapy
Also there is small ward of 12 patients for short stay admissions (3-6 weeks) and emergency admissions. Services include drug treatment and supportive psychotherapy with cognitive and behavior therapies.
We have two psychologists and one social worker assisting psychotherapy work both at inpatient and outpatient sub unites.
Previous appointments:
Specialist psychiatrist at College of Medicine , Al Nahrain University and the attached Kadhymia Teaching Hospital ( Al Emamain Al Kadhymain Medical City ) having same responsibilities described in part 2 of previous section. Dec 25th 2002-June 23rd 2003
Head of educational counseling unit . College of Medicine , Al Nahrain University April 2014 – march 2016 providing individual and group counseling service to students , consulting with deanship about students and medical education issues , receiving regular feedback from students about medical education process , difficulties and suggestions and arranging and sharing in small and large extracurricular activities
Iraqi and Arab Board study: Oct 1st 1998- Dec 25th 2002
Resident of psychiatry and student at the Iraqi Board and Arab Board for Medical Specialization; Board of Psychiatry during which worked and trained under following titles
* resident of medicine at Baghdad Teaching
Hospital at the Medical City (4 months)
* resident of neurology at Baghdad Teaching
Hospital at Medical City (4 months)
* resident of Psychiatry .at Baghdad Teaching
Hospital at Medical City (12 months)
* resident of Psychiatry at Ibn Rushd Psychatric
Teaching Hospital (14 months)
*resident of Psychiatry at Al-Kadhymia TeachingHospital (6 months)
* resident of Psychiatry at Al-Rashad Psychiatric Teaching Hospital (8 months)
Internship Oct 1st 1996-Oct 1st 1998
Internship resident at Al-Kadhymia Teaching General Hospital (1996-1998) in which worked in
*Department of medicine 3 months
*Department of surgery 3 months
*Department of gynecology and obstetrics 3 months
*department of pediatrics 2 month
* Coronary care unit 3 months
*department of casualty and emergency room 3 months
*department of Urology 1 month
*department of psychiatry 1 month
*department dermatology 1 month
*department ophthalmology 1 month
*department of neurology 1 month
*department of orthopedics 1 month
*university medical center 1 month
1-Course of teaching methodology at Al Nahrain University for two weeks July 2004
2-Refresher course of Psychiatry 9th-15th Dec. 2004 Amman ,Jordan. On behalf of Ministry of health and WHO
3-Course of educational counseling 11-26th Sept. 2012 at Al Nahrain University
4-Preliminary course of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy under training by Hamburg University . Antalya , Nov 30 – Dec 6 2015
5-Gateway medical education course , Sheffield University and British council (Baghdad international Zone) . Feb 23,24 2017
1-Al Nahrain Medical School annual conference since 2003 – now
2-2nd Iraqi conference of Psychiatry April 2000
3-3rd Iraqi Conference of Psychiatry Nov.2008
4-Conference of Royal College of Psychiatrists and Arab Federation of Psychiatrists held in Baghdad Nov. 2009
5-Anxiety and depression treatment. Abu Dhabi 2012
6-Approaches to bipolar disorder treatment . Tunis 2014
7-4th Iraqi conference of Psychiatry , Kufa University Feb 2017
1-Substance abuse presented at
Al Nahrain University College of Medicine 2009
Nahrain University College of Law of 2010, 2015
Al Nahrain University Head Quarter 2013
University of Technology 2014
Ibn Al Haitham College of Pure Sciences ( Baghdad University ) 2015
Girls College of Education ( Baghdad University ) 2015
Institute of infertility ( Nahrain University ) 2016
2-Psychological development. Integration of psychiatry within medical school curriculum training of Medical school Faculty ( Al Nahrain Medical School ) 2014
3-Treatment in psychiatry . Integration of psychiatry within medical school curriculum training of Medical school Faculty ( Al Nahrain Medical School ) 2014
4-Educational Counselling , symposium , Al nahrain Medical School 2014
5-Motivation to learn , symposium , Al nahrain Medical School 2014
6-Social media and the student , symposium , Al nahrain Medical School 2015
7-Treatment of Autism . symposium , Al nahrain Medical School 2015
8-Emigration of youth , symposium , Al nahrain Medical School 2016
9-Emotional disorders of childhood. Child psychiatry workshop for school teachers and counselors , Al Nahrain Medical School . 2016
10-Schofried system of psychological testing , cognitive rehabilitation and biofeedback , workshop 2017
11-Modern Medical education , symposium , Al nahrain Medical School 2017
12- Communication skills . tenth conference of Al Nahrain Medical School 2017
1-Abdul-Monaf Al-Jadiry; MD, FRCPsych, Professor & Chairman of Psychiatry, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Jordan P O Box 13046 Amman,11942 Jordan.Telephone: 00 962 6 5353444- Ext. 2751 Mobile : 00 962 (0)796451359.E mail : aljadiryamh@yahoo
2-Dr. Numan S. Ali. Consultant Psychiatrist. Baghdad Teaching Hospital.Medical City, Baghdad, Iraq. Email numanali@hotmail.com. Mobile 00964 7809794428
3-Professor Dr. Abdul Rasool El Yassiri. Ex Head of Iraqi Board of Psychiatry. Baghdad. Iraq. Mobile 00964 7901960507
الاهتمامات البحثية
Research Interests
Published Papers:
1-Thesis Titled "Patterns of Anxiety Disorders in Two Hospitals in Baghdad" Submitted to Iraqi Board of Medical Specialization ,Board of Psychiatry in Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of Fellowship in Psychiatry (2001).
2-Uday Khalid and Peter Olsson (2006). Suicide Bombing: A Psychodynamic View. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry: Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 523-530.
3-Muhammad A.H.S. Al Sammarrai and Uday A.J. Khalid (2010) Role of ECT in general hospital psychiatric treatment in Baghdad. Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences 8(2):38-44
4- Uday A.J.Khalid (2010) Prevalence of delirium among medical inpatients in teaching hospital in Baghdad. Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences 8(4):41-46
5- Uday Khalid and Makhoola H. Kassim (2012) .Depression in group of patients with chronic renal failure attending haemodialysis unit in teaching hospital in Baghdad. Iraqi Journal of medical sciences 10(1):55-59
6- SJ Kadhim, AAH Abbas, OK Abdul-Jabbar Sero-positivity rate of rubella antibodies in Iraqi autistic children. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 10 (5), 1142-1144, 2018
7-AM Nawfal, AH Najat, KA Uday. Salivary Levels of Neurotoxic Versus Neuroprotective Indices Underpin the Aberrant Response to Psychological Stress in Schizophrenic Patients. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) 7 (3 ),15-34, 2018
8- Uday Khalid Abdul Jabbar Al Qaisy, Shatha Hussain Ali, Iyad Hussein Ali. Assessment of Health Related Quality of Life in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome in Iraq--A Comparative Study.Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 10 (10), 2019
9- Anxiety Symptoms in a Sample of Iraqi School Teachers.
UK Abdul Jabbar Al Qaisy, AA Al Sharify, MT Radhi, IF Jasim
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 11 (2), 2020
10- Auditory event-related potential (P300) in patients with schizophrenia
ZT Hasson, AF Al-Hashimi, UK Al Qaisy
Medical Journal of Babylon 18 (3), 261-265, 2021
11- Differences in Resting State EEG Power Spectrum in Patients with Schizophrenia and Healthy Controls
ZT Hasson, AF AlHashimi, UK Al Qaisy
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 25 (6), 9771-9779, 2021
12- Single Nucleotide Polymorphism rs10501087 in Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor gene role in the pathophysiology of Major Depressive Disorder in Iraqis
NA Mahmood, E AlWasiti, UK Abduljabbar
HIV Nursing 22 (2), 3681–3685-3681–3685, 2022
13- Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Val66Met (rs6265) in Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor gene role in the pathophysiology of Major Depressive Disorder in Iraqis
NA Mahmood, E AlWasiti, UK Abduljabbar
HIV Nursing 22 (2), 3383–3387-3383–3387, 2022