
Kisspeptin-10 level in preeclamptic pregnant women
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Kisspeptin-10 may participate in implantation of the embryo, placenta formation, and maintenance of pregnancy. Objectives: to determine plasma KP-10 level in pregnant patients with preeclampsia during the second and third trimesters and to correlate its level with the degree of severity, blood pressure and proteinuria. Methods: one hundred pregnant women completed 20 weeks gestation of singleton pregnancies were enrolled in this study. They were divided into sixty hypertensive women (mild and severe form) and forty normotensive control women. Kisspeptin-10 level, blood pressure measurement, and urinalysis were performed for all studies subjects during both trimesters. Results: maternal plasma Kisspeptin-10 level was significantly increased with the progression of pregnancy and more pronounced in those with mild form as compared to severe form of preeclampsia. It was significantly decreased in severe preeclamptic women as compared to normotensive controls. Moreover, it was inversely correlated with systolic blood pressure during second trimester and directly during the third trimester in those with severe preeclampsia. Also, it was inversely correlated with protein in urine during both trimesters in patients with severe preeclampsia. Conclusion, plasma Kisspeptin-10 level is inversely correlated with the severity of the disease.

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