
Characterization of lymphocyte infiltration in molar pregnancies
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Abstract Background: In normal pregnancy around 30% of stromal cells in decidualised endometrium are leucocytes, lymphocyte subtypes may play a role in the pathogenesis of molar pregnancies. The aim of the study is to investigate the pattern of infiltrating lymphocytes in paraffin embedded tissue sections obtained from molar pregnancies. Material and Methods: This study included thirty-five archived paraffin-embedded samples of molar pregnancies; divided into 16 incomplete and 19 complete hydatid mole. Then dual immunofluorescence staining was used for phenotyping of lymphocytic infiltrate (CD3- CD19) and (CD4-CD8). Independent sample t-test was used to compare the mean cell counts between different study groups. Results: There is higher T cells (CD3) infiltrate in complete hydatid mole than normal placental tissue (p=0.003) and not significant with incomplete hydatid mole (p=0.089). Plasma cells (CD19) were higher in both complete hydatid mole CHM (p=0.012) and incomplete hydatid mole iCHM (p=0.013). Cytotoxic cells (CD8) were none significant in all groups while Helper cells (CD4) were significantly higher in CHM (p=0.017) and iCHM (p=0.025). Conclusion: The higher tissue infiltration with plasma cells and helper cells in both CHM and iCHM highlight the importance of these cells in molar pregnancy pathogenesis. Key words: Hydatid mole, lymphocytes infiltration, Complete hydatid mole, incomplete hydatid mole.

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2016 1(3)