
Study the biochemical and molecular role of angiotensin converting enzyme in migraine and non-migraine headache
فرقد بدر حمدان
Authors : Ahmed Faisal Obed, Hasan Najat A, Wasan I. Al-Saadi, Farqad Hamdan, Abdulkareem K. Jabir
ABSTRACT Background: The full understanding of pathophysiology of migraine has to be studied thoroughly. The findings that migraine is an endothelial disorder are fairly consistent. In this context, the enzyme converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II called angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) , it's a potent vasoconstrictor and have major role in pathogenesis of migraine or heterogenizing its manifestation. ACE gene polymorphism affects the vascular reactivity through difference in serum angiotensin converting enzyme level or activity, thus the effect of angiotensin converting enzyme was studied to look for an association between ACE gene polymorphism and migraine. Aims: The study is aimed to detect the changes in the activity of angiotensin converting enzyme in sera of patients with migraine compared to non-migraine headache and to a healthy control group, and determine the effect of ACE gene polymorphisms on the activity of this biomarker, also to correlate this gene polymorphism with the pattern, duration, frequency of headache and to determine the risk ratio of the development of migraine. Methods: One hundred twenty two subjects enrolled in this study fall in three groups, forty two subjects as the migraine group, forty subjects as non-migraine headache group and forty healthy subjects as control group. The serum activity of ACE was measured spectrophotometrically using the synthetic tripeptide substrate. The genotyping of I/D ACE gene polymorphism was done by using nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: The results of the study emphasize a significant increase (P < 0.01) in the activity of the ACE in both migraine and non-migraine headache types compared to healthy control and this increase was associated with sever and more frequent attacks of migraine (but not non-migraine) headache. However, the activity of the angiotensin converting enzyme was not affected significantly by the ACE gene polymorphism. Keywords: Migraine, angiotensin converting enzyme, ACE gene polymorphism.

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April-June 2020