
Investigation the role of CMV in the invasive ductal breast carcinoma using real time PCR
حيدر صباح كاظم
Authors : Ahmed H.Mohamed, Haider S. Kadhim, Alaa G. Hussein
In Iraq, breast cancer is the commonest type of female malignancy. Increasing evidence in the last 10 years suggests that HCMV is associated with several human malignancies including breast cancer. This study aimed to investigate the DNA of HCMV in invasive ductal breast carcinoma by real time PCR. Fifty sample of cancer mass and safe margin tissues of breast cancer collected.Each tumor mass and safe margin tissue divided in to 2 sections, one for DNA extraction then real time PCR while the other section processed for paraffin block and stained by eosin – hematoxylin. Thirty-eight samples (76%) of 50 samples was diagnosed as invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC).The result showed just nine (23.7%) sample was positive with mean of copy number equal to 3.772*103 copy number/ml and mean of threshold cycle (CT) equal to 36.8 from 50 cycle reaction. Many studies including our observation indicated to the association of HCMV with breast cancer but the role of HCMV in the pathogenesis of breast cancer is unclear. Key Words: Breast Cancer, Cytomegalovirus, CMV, real time PCR

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Jan. 2015