
Prevalence of Anemia among Pregnant Ladies who Admitted to Labor Ward in Al-Hakeem Hospital in Baghdad with the Associated Factors
ماجد حميد احمد
Authors : Maha M. Shakir, Majid H. Ahmed, Ali A. A. Sahib
Abstract: Anemia is a major public health problem affecting all age groups. In pregnancy, it is a major cause of mortality and morbidity. To assess the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women attending labor ward and it is associated factor. A cross-sectional study conducted at Al-Hakeem Hospital in Baghdad from April 4th 2019 to November 1st 2019 where a sample of 249 pregnant ladies included in this study, all admitted to labor ward in a state of labor and information data were taken about their age, parity, educational state, iron intake and antenatal care. Analysis of hemoglobin was done for all cases. Hemoglobin level was between 7.4 and 15.9 for 249 women involved in the study. The number of anemic ladies was 121 (49%). The 58% of anemic cases were mild while 42% of them have moderate anemia. Regarding educational status, 18.1% were illiterate, 17.7% were read and write only, 28.1% have primary education, 28.1% have secondary and only 8% have higher study. Concerning the Antenatal Care (ANC); 17.3% have poor ANC, 43.4% have irregular ANC, 39.4% have good ANC. For the number of visits in the last month of pregnancy; 26.5% have no visit, 34.9% have one visit, 38.6% have two visits. Regarding iron supplement; 31.3% were poor intaker, 28.9% were irregular intakers, 39.8% were good intakers of supplement. Anemia is highly prevalent in women admitted to labor ward (49%). So, we still need to give more effort to deal with this problem.

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