
Activities of scientific branches

Final clinical examination to obtain subspecialty board certification for congenital heart defects
Assistant Prof. Dr. Sinan Abdel-Razzaq / Lecturer in the Pediatrics Branch at the College of Medicine - Al-Nahrain University participated in the final clinical examination to obtain a board certificate for subspecialization in congenital heart defects at...
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Catheterization service by Dr. Sinan Abdel Razzaq
Dr. Sinan Abdel Razzaq, /lecturer in the Pediatrics Branch at the College of Medicine - Al-Nahrain University, provided a catheterization service for a patient suffering from general weakness with high pulmonary artery...
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Participation of the National Accreditation Committee in the 12th conference at Al-Nahrain College of Medicine
Participation of Assistant Prof. Dr. Yasser Al-Hakim / Lecturer in the Surgery Branch at the College of Medicine - Al-Nahrain University and a member of the National Accreditation Committee in the 12th Conference of the College of Medicine - Al-Nahrain...
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Scientific research published by Prof. Dr. Rasha Sabeih in scientific journals
Prof. Dr Rasha Sabih Ahmed, a lecturer in the branch of Physiology, published it in the journal Physica Scripta, which is classified within the Clarvit and Scopus databases and has an impact factor of 4.4 and falls within the first quartile,...
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Iraqi Board Exams for Obstetrics and Gynecology
Participation of Prof.Dr. Enas Adnan/ Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Branch, and Prof. Dr. Hala Abdel Qader in the Iraqi Board exams for the specialty of Obstetrics and...
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Honoring an expatriate consultant at the twelfth conference of Al-Nahrain College of Medicine
Participation of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Branch with expatriate consultant Dr. Nada Al-Shammari from London...participation was in a workshop on cervical...
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Lifting the uterus using laparoscopic surgery
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Family and Community Medicine Department Council meeting
The Family and Community Medicine Department Council meeting was held on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 10:00 AM, chaired by Professor Dr. Ali Abdul Ali Sahib, Head of the Family and Community Medicine Department, with the attendance of the faculty...
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Chemistry and Biochemistry Branch meeting on 4/8/2024
The Chemistry and Biochemistry Branch held a meeting chaired by Professor Dr. Istabraq Abd al-Rasoul al-Wasiti and the Branch Rapporteur, Assistant Professor Dr. Raed Jassim Muhammad, on Monday, 4/8/2024. During the meeting, several points were discussed,...
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Thyroid tumors lecture
Under the sponsorship of the respected Dean of the College of Medicine, and in cooperation with the Imamiyin Al-Kadhimiyin (peace be upon him) Medical Hospital, the Surgery Branch, and the Pathology and Forensic Medicine Branch at the College of Medicine...
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Training course (standard working methods for preparing pathological tissues and immunohistochemicals)
Within the framework of continuous cooperation between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, represented by the College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University, and the Ministry of Health, represented by Al-Imam Al-Kazemiyin Medical...
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Meeting of students of the Iraqi Council and the Arab Council
Students of the Iraqi Council for Medical Specialties and the Arab Council for Health Specialties were trained to specialize in pathology/histology and pathology to discuss pathological cases under the supervision of:Prof. Dr. Alaa Ghani Hussein/ Head of...
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Participation of Professor Dr. Enas Adnan and Professor Dr. Hala Abdel Qader in the Iraqi Board exam
Part of the contributions of Professor Dr. Enas Adnan and Professor Dr. Hala Abdel Qader in the Iraqi Board exams for the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology on...
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A lecture for the medical education unit
Dr. Bushra Johi Jani, a lecturer in the Supporting Sciences Unit, gave a lecture to the Medical Education Unit entitled “Enhancing Writing Skills with AI Tools.” The lecture was about artificial intelligence tools and their uses that enhance academic...
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Honoring Prof. Dr. Istabraq Abdel Rasoul
Prof. Dr Istabraq Abdul Rasoul, / Head of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Branch was honored at Al-Kitab University, for winning first place for medical sciences in the “Encyclopedia of Iraqi University Women,” which documents the humanitarian,...
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Discussion of the thesis of PhD student Alaa Salman Eidan
The doctoral thesis of student Alaa Salman Eidan / Chemistry and Biochemistry Branch - Clinical Biochemistry at Al-Nahrain College of Medicine was discussed for his thesis tagged: Evaluation of Fetuin A, Brain Natriuretic Peptide, and Chromogranin A in...
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Discussing the thesis of PhD student Hadeel Karim WaShak
The PhD student (Hadeel Karim Washak) in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Branch was discussed for her thesis titled: Serum Level of Midkine , Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 and miRNA146b expression in comparison with Fine-Needle Aspiration in Detection for...
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Discussing the thesis of PhD student Ziad Sawadi Obaid
The thesis of doctoral student Ziyad Sawadi Obaid Al-Issawi / Chemistry and Biochemistry Branch was discussed for the thesis tagged: The Role of Furin Enzyme Activity, AsprosinHormone and Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 4 (FABP4) in Patients with Prediabetic...
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An electronic lecture for the medical education unit
Dr. Bushra Johi Jani led an electronic lecture entitled : Person-Centered and Inclusive Language in the Clinic and Classroom , Delivered by Prof. Alan S. Weber, from Weill Cornell Medical College - Qatar, and under the patronage of Prof. Dr Anis Khalil...
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Honoring Prof. Dr. Ahmed Rahma Abu Ragheef
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Rahma Abu Ragheef / Head of the Pharmacology Branch at the College of Medicine / Al-Nahrain University was honored by the student committee at the college with a certificate of appreciation for his distinguished scientific efforts on the...
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Health Humanities Coalition Conference
Dr. Bushra Johi Jani, a lecturer in the Supporting sciences Unit at Al-Nahrain College of Medicine, moderated a session at the Health Humanities Coalition 2024 conference.The conference was held at Creighton University in the US state of Nebraska, and via...
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A uterus lift operation was performed by Professor Dr. Enas Adnan
With the help of God, a uterus was removed through laparoscopic surgery for a 67-year-old patient who suffers from many internal problems... and she had uterine bleeding caused by complex thickening of the uterine lining... by Professor Dr. Enas Adnan......
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Teaching participation in the Iraqi Board exam for obstetrics and gynecology
Part of the contributions of Professor Dr. Enas Adnan and Professor Dr. Hala Abdel Qader in the Iraqi Board exams for the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology on...
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A major operation to remove a brain tumor.
https://fb.watch/ryoO6IgysQ/?mibextid=v7YzmGA recorded video about the humanitarian response to the plea presented to the Prime Minister, Mr. Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani, and the Minister of Health, Dr. Saleh Al-Hasnawi, regarding the medical case of the...
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Scientific lecture
An electronic scientific lecture was delivered by Assistant Professor Dr. Zaid Abdel Ali, Consultant in Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery, to all students from the Arab world within the Arab Board...
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A semi-emergency surgical procedure was performed by Assistant Professor Dr. Bashar Abbas Abdul Hassan.
Assistant Professor Dr. Bashar Abbas Abdul Hassan, Head of the Surgery Department at Al-Nahrain College of Medicine, performed a critical semi-emergency surgery on a 60-year-old patient suffering from gastric obstruction with continuous vomiting for a...
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Teaching participation at Al-Nahrain College of Medicine in a scientific workshop
Participation of Dr. Bushra Johi Jani/teacher in the Supportive Sciences Unit in a workshop entitled:Artificial intelligence and virtual reality in medical educationWhich talks about the skills of writing scientific research using artificial...
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Evaluating scientific research in a scientific journal
A scientific research was evaluated by Dr. Bushra Johi Jani/teacher in the Supporting Sciences Unit entitled:( Female Monstrosity, Body and the Exocist (1973))In a solid scientific journal:(Critical Gender Studies Journal, a peer-reviewed journal that...
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Prof. Dr. Arwa Mujahid Abdullah / Head of the Continuing Education Unit at Al-Nahrain College of Medicine participated in a workshop entitled (Introduction to Safety and Biosecurity) held by the Life Sciences Department in cooperation with the Continuing...
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scientific seminar
A scientific seminar entitled ((Environmental pollution of mercury)) was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ali Abd Ali / Head of the Family and Community Medicine...
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