
Scientific Promotions Committee

  • The first committee for scientific promotions was formed under administrative order No. 3588 on 12/16/1990, headed by Prof. Dr. Kanaan Mohammed Jamil (Assistant Dean) and the membership of each of:
  • Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdullah (Head of the Department of Internal Medicine).
  • Prof. Dr. Osama Nihad Refaat (Head of the Department of Surgery).
  • Prof. Dr. Tariq Ibrahim Al-Jubouri (Head of the Department of Microbiology).
  • The first meeting was held on Thursday, 12/17/1990, at 11:00 am, in the College Council Hall in the Deanship of the College.
  • The committees were formed several times, and a group of professors headed the committees, namely:
  • Prof. Dr. Kanaan Mohammed Jamil.
  • Prof. Tariq Ibrahim Al-Jubouri.
  • Prof. Dr. Rafeh Mohammed Al-Rawi.
  • Prof. Dr. Ghassan Abdul Amir Al-Shamaa.
  • Prof. Dr. Faiza Aftan Al-Rawi.
  • Prof. Dr. Osama Salman Al-Nasiri.
  • Prof. Dr. Ghassan Abdul Amir Al-Shamaa (second time)
  • Prof. Dr. Hussam Hassoun Ali.
  • Prof. Dr. Shatha Hussein Ali.
  • Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdul Kazim Hamid