
Discussion of the PhD thesis (Banan Akram Abu Al-Qasim Jawad)
Publishing date :2023-11-11

The doctoral thesis of (Banan Akram Abu Al-Qasim Jawad) / Branch of Chemistry and Biochemistry was discussed for her thesis tagged:

Effect of Ethyl acetate Fraction of Silybum marianum and Ficus carica Leaves Extract on Glucos Homeostasis and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Streptozotocin-induced T2DM Rats

The discussion committee consisted of:

Dr. Raya Suleiman Baban /  Chairman

Dr. Omar Farouk Abdel Rashid /  / Member

Dr. Raed Jassim Muhammad /  / Member

Dr. Hasan Hussein Taha /  Member

Dr. Moataz Sabah Ahmeed / Member

Dr. Muhammad Imran Hamza /  Supervisor

Dr. Ahmed Rahma Abu Ragheef /  Supervisor

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