
Ali Shaker Abdul's master's thesis in human anatomy
Publishing date :2024-03-16

The student Ali Shaker Abd from the Department of Human Anatomy has successfully defended his Master's thesis titled:

A Comparative Study of CD271 Immunohistochemistry Expression in Mesenchymal Stem Cells Between Early Term and Postdate Human Umbilical Cord

The aim of this study: is to quantitatively assess the immunohistochemical expression of (CD271) in mesenchymal stem cells in the early term and postdate human umbilical cord with comparative histological and histochemical analysis.

The immunohistochemical expression of CD271 in mesenchymal stem cells revealed significantly higher values in the postdate umbilical cord compared to the early term umbilical cord. This is due to oxidative stress that may accompany the early stages of labor, resulting in a lower number of cell divisions in mesenchymal stem cells in the umbilical cord, possibly due to cells damaged by oxidative stress.

Mesenchymal stem cells are found in Wharton's jelly, a gelatinous substance composed of various forms of collagen and proteoglycans. In the early term, oxidative stress may lead to an increase in the diameter of the umbilical vessels and vein to enhance blood return to the fetus. The thickness and diameter of the arterial walls are greater post-term than during early labor, due to the increased smooth muscle wall and enhanced blood flow to the placenta as the pregnancy progresses.

The immunohistochemical expression of CD271 has been described as the most specific marker for detecting mesenchymal stem cells. This marker is specifically expressed by these cells, although it appears insufficient to isolate mesenchymal stem cells in the umbilical cord. Umbilical cord blood reveals CD271 marker expression as stem cells involved in hematopoiesis and angiogenesis in the umbilical cord, and umbilical cord blood is a unique and rich source of endothelial progenitor cells. In response to oxidative stress, there was extensive damage to the vascular endothelium, such as mesenchymal stem cells in the umbilical cord, which are less abundant during early labor.

The defense committee consisted of:

- Prof. Dr. May Fadel Majid (Chair)

- Prof. Dr. Huda Rasheed Kareem (Member)

- Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hamza (Member)

- Prof. Dr. Haidar Abdul Rasool Jaafar (Supervisor)

The thesis was successfully accepted.