
A semi-emergency surgical procedure was performed by Assistant Professor Dr. Bashar Abbas Abdul Hassan.
Publishing date :2024-04-19

Assistant Professor Dr. Bashar Abbas Abdul Hassan, Head of the Surgery Department at Al-Nahrain College of Medicine, performed a critical semi-emergency surgery on a 60-year-old patient suffering from gastric obstruction with continuous vomiting for a week due to the stomach and colon entering the chest cavity through a left-sided diaphragmatic hernia or defect.

The surgery was conducted under general anesthesia using abdominal laparoscopy. The organs entering the chest cavity were returned to their correct position in the abdominal cavity, and the diaphragmatic hernia defect was closed using a mesh. Additionally, a part of the upper stomach was wrapped around the lower esophagus to prevent reflux of the stomach back into the chest. Thanks to God, the surgery was successful, and the patient has now begun to consume fluids and food normally.