
A teaching assistant in the Support Sciences Unit participates in an online course on English language teaching methods organized by an international educational company.
Publishing date :2024-05-07

A member of the teaching staff of the Support Sciences Unit Participates in an Online English Teaching Methods Course Organized by a Global Education Company

Dr. Bushra Juhi Jani participated in an online English teaching methods development course for English teachers, organized by MLA (Move Language Ahead), a global company based in Naples, Italy, that is a pioneer in providing educational and cultural opportunities for students from around the world.

The course, titled "Session 25: Teaching Idioms," was held on May 2, 2024, and lasted for 4 hours. It focused on teaching students how to use idioms effectively in the English language.

The course aims to help English teachers develop their English teaching skills and provide them with the latest methods and techniques in this field.

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