
Nomination of Assistant Lecturer Sabreen Saad Salman for a Course Titled "Developing Skills for New Appointees"
Publishing date :2024-05-16

Assistant Lecturer Sabreen Saad Salman, a specialist with a Master's degree in Veterinary Medicine and a faculty member in the Department of Pharmacology, was nominated to attend a course titled "Developing Skills for New Appointees." This course was held at the Computer Center of Al-Nahrain University on Sunday, May 5, 2024, under the supervision of the esteemed Director of the Center, Dr. Sarmad Mahmood Hadi, and continued until Monday, May 13, 2024.

The course covered several key areas emphasized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, including communication skills, body language, social interaction, leadership, stress management, and crisis management.

The aim of the course was to enhance the role of university staff in advancing the educational process and academic progress in light of the significant challenges facing the educational sector.

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