
Training of the Arab Board students specializing in Pathology / Histopathology on 2024/5/21.
Publishing date :2024-05-21

In the context of training students of the Arab Board for Pathology / Histopathology, the weekly meeting was held on Tuesday, 2024/5/21, in the Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine to discuss pathological cases. The meeting was attended by first, second, third, and fourth-year board students under the supervision of the board supervisors and trainers:

- Prof. Banan Jumaa Qasim / Head of the Imam Kadhimain Medical City Center for the Arab Board

- Assistant Prof. Nora Karim Mustafa

- Dr. Rafah Mohammed Jaafar

The students presented the following cases:

- Shaimaa Amer: Thyroid microcarcinoma with IHC

- Afaf Ali: Bladder tumor

- Noor Mahmoud: Recurrent laryngeal tumor

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