
A special celebration was held in honor of Dr. Thaer Mahmood Al-Jumaili for attaining the rank of professorship.
Publishing date :2024-05-26

On Sunday, May 26, 2024, the Department of Human Anatomy at the College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University, held a special celebration in honor of Dr. Thaer Mahmoud Al-Jumaili for attaining the rank of Professor. The celebration was attended by the esteemed Dean of the College of Medicine, Professor Anees Khalil Nail, and the esteemed Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Students, Professor Hayder Jawad Kazem. During the event, Professor Thaer Mahmoud Farhan was honored by the Head of the Department, Professor May Fadhel, as well as faculty members and staff of the department. The celebration was also attended by several professors from various scientific departments within the College of Medicine. Everyone wished him continued success and lasting achievements.

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