
Participation of Prof. Ria Suleiman in the defense of Master's student Huda Latif Hassan at the University of Baghdad
Publishing date :2024-05-30

On Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 10:00 AM, Master's student Huda Latif Hassan Karim successfully defended her thesis in the Department of Clinical Biochemistry at the University of Baghdad. Her thesis, entitled:

**"Hypertension management by using some minerals, herb supplements (Withania somnifera), and Himalayan salt"**

was presented in the graduate hall of the department. The thesis was reviewed by the plagiarism committee in the department and was found to be original with no plagiarized content in the published research field. It also includes a research paper published in international databases.

Her thesis was evaluated by:

- Prof. Istabraq Abdulrasool Al-Wasiti (Faculty member at the College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University)

- Asst. Prof. Sahar Abdulwahab Abdulrazzaq (Faculty member at the College of Medicine, Al-Mustansiriya University)

The defense committee consisted of:

- Prof. Basel Owaid Mohammed Saleh (Chairman)

- Prof. Ghazi Farhan Haji (Member)

- Prof. Ria Suleiman Baban (Member)

- Prof. Maysa Jalal Majid (Member and Supervisor)

- Prof. Ameen Abdulhassan Man'e Al-Alwani (Member and Supervisor)

- Prof. Adib Ahmed Kazem (Member and Supervisor)

The thesis was successfully accepted.

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