
A meningioma removal surgery at the skull base was performed under the leadership of Consultant Surgeon Dr. Ihsan Al-Baldawi.
Publishing date :2024-06-05

A meningioma removal surgery at the skull base was performed on a 43-year-old female patient who had been suffering from severe headaches and difficulty walking. Despite the tumor's sensitive location, its pressure on the brainstem, and the presence of major arteries surrounding it, the surgery was successful, and the tumor was completely removed. The operation lasted for 9 continuous hours. Following the surgery, the patient fully recovered and was discharged from the hospital in very good health, praise be to God.

The surgery was led by Consultant Surgeon Dr. Ihsan Al-Baldawi, with Anesthesia Consultant Dr. Mohammed Qasim and the operating team from Dar Al-Tumor Private Hospital.

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