
( Support Sciences Unit / Computer Science in the College hold a workshop entitled (identification and cut brain tumors in the images of magnetic resonance
Publishing date :2018-01-04

The Support Sciences Unit / Computer Science at the College held on 2018/1/3 a workshop entitled "Identification and Deduction of Brain Tumors in Magnetic Resonance Imaging" at the laboratory hall of the computer unit in the college, attended by a number of faculty members and faculty members :                                                                                                                                                                                 

1 - PHD. Sana Khudair Jadoua

2- PHD. Ali Majeed Hassan

3. M.A. Aroba Ismail Ibrahem                                                                                                                                                                                

The workshop's lectures focused on the medical images and their importance in medical treatment and diagnosis, the installation and analysis of medical images, the creation of algorithms for image analysis and the use of results in helping doctors to accurately  diagnose and explain the algorithm of PHD. Ali Majeed, which he designed and programmed in his doctoral research in Britain , and also recommended the need to encourage doctors to communicate with such lectures because of their importance in their medical work.   

Translated by :

Sara M. Hamandi

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