
The participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Al-Nahrain with a number of students at Conference of Students of the Colleges of Medicine in Iraq
Publishing date :2018-11-19

The Iraqi Association of Medical Students organized the third annual conference, under the title "Iraq and Environmental Change", with the active participation of the Faculty of Medicine Al-Nahrain University, represented by the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Alaa Ghani Hussein,  with a number of the students in the organization. They presented during the conference a number of training workshops in the field of building abilities , public health,  human rights, peace and medical education .The conference was attended by more than 350 medical students from various branches of  association  in the governorates of Iraq ,with the presence of the head of doctors and deans of faculties  and professors. 

The Iraqi Association of Medical Students is part of the International Federation of Medical Students established in 2012 in Iraq ,it`s  an organization registered with the Council of Ministers.

Translated by :

Sara M. Hamandi 

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