
The Master's thesis defense of **Hassan Abdul Kareem Aboud Al-Jawahiri** in the Department of Human Anatomy.
Publishing date :2024-09-11

On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, **Hassan Abdul Kareem Aboud Al-Jawahiri** successfully defended his master's thesis in the Department of Human Anatomy, titled:
**"Regional Variations in the Immunohistochemical Expression of P75 NGF Receptors in Preterm, Term, and Post-Term Human Placenta."**

This study aimed to identify the localization of stem cells stained using the P75 NGF marker in the human placenta, specifically in the **upper part (chorionic plate)** and the **lower part (chorionic villi)**, across different regions, including **central** and **peripheral** areas, in relation to the three gestational ages (preterm, term, and post-term).

The examination committee consisted of:
- Prof. Dr. **May Fadhil Majid** (Chair)
- Prof. Dr. **Haider Abdulrasool Jafar** (Member)
- Assist. Prof. Dr. **Bidaa Hussein Mutlak** (Member)
- Assist. Prof. Dr. **Huda Rashid Kareem** (Member and Supervisor)

The thesis was accepted with **distinction**

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