Under the auspices of the Dean of College of Medicine Al-Nahrain University, Prof. Dr. Anees Khalil Nile, the Supporting Sciences Unit, in collaboration with the Scientific Affairs Division, organized an in-person workshop titled: "Leverage GenAI in your Research: Explore Scopus AI." The workshop was held on Sunday, November 17, 2024, and was presented by Dr. Bushra Juhi Jani. It introduced the “Scopus AI” tool, which aims to help researchers access reliable and accurate information more efficiently. The tool offers concise and precise summaries of research articles, enabling researchers to better understand studies and select those most relevant to their work. “Scopus AI” also provides concept maps that reveal connections between different topics, facilitating the exploration of new and interdisciplinary fields. Furthermore, the tool grants access to highly influential research papers and identifies leading experts in various domains. “Scopus AI” is an AI-powered add-on available through institutional subscriptions to Scopus. Institutions interested in acquiring this tool can fill out a contact form to connect with an Elsevier representative who can assist in assessing the institution’s needs via the following link: (https://www.elsevier.com/products/scopus/scopus-ai/contact-us) www.elsevier.com (https://www.elsevier.com/products/scopus/scopus-ai/contact-us) Scopus AI: Trusted content. Powered by responsible AI. Scopus AI combines generative artificial intelligence with Scopus’ trusted content and data to help researchers accelerate their research.