About college
College Deanship Members
Deans of the College
Vision, Mission and Objectives of the College
College Outcomes
educational subjects
Scientific research for professors
Laws and legislation
sustainable development
Advisory Center
College pictures
College logo
college Council
Medical Education and Curriculum Development Unit
Quality Assurance and University Performance Division
Legal Division
Medical Research Unit
Journal unit
Examination committee
Scientific Promotions Committee
College Accreditation
Assistant Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
Registration Department
Studies, Planning and Follow-up Division
Continuing Education Unit
Student Activities Division
Division of Scientific Affairs
Division of Cultural Relations
Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit
Health Center Unit
Library Division
Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs
Human Resources Department
Finance Division
Stores Division
Scientific branches
Internal Medicine
Gynecology and Obstetrics
human anatomy
Electron microscope
Family and community medicine
Physiology and Medical Physics
Supporting Sciences Unit
Pathology and forensic medicine
Pharmacology Branch
Chemistry and Biochemistry
The news
College news and activities
Activities of scientific branches
Conferences, scientific seminars and training courses
Scientific promotions
Cultural Relations
Journal website
Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences
About library
Available books
Thesis archive
New books
Photo gallery
About the continious education
The Students Affairs
Undergraduate studies
Student Discipline Instructions
Student Guide
Instructions for central admission, transfer and parallel education
Student projects
Eximation instructions
Exams schedule
Educational links
Lectures schedule
Names and pictures of the graduates
Distinguished students
Documtents requests
Graduates follow up unit
Academic Program
Academic Program Description Forms
Open postgraduate studies and application conditions
Discussions archive
Accepted postgraduates students
contact us
contact us
About the department
Vision, Mission and Objectives
Department Staff
Undergraduage cirriculum
Postgraduate cirriculum
Department news
Department archive
Department staff
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محمود شاكر خضير
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آراز باسم محمد صالح
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اقبال غالب فرهود
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اوس صباح غني
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زينة نبيل احمد
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ايثار فلاح حسن
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نزار محمود محمد
عضو الهيئة التدريسية
ياسمين عباس حمادي
عضو هيئة تدريسية